For this assignment, I was tasked with creating a new letter for the English alphabet and implementing it into an existing typeface. I chose to create a letter representing the /ma/ sound (as in "match" or "matter," and I created this letter within the Times New Roman typeface. Below are multiple applications of this letter, as well as a summary of my ideation and iteration process.

Final deliverable for the 27th Letter project, showcasing the /ma/ letter in context

Example iteration of typeset word and guides

Mockup of potential application for the letter.
As I began my ideation process, I found it helpful to draw/write each idea as many times I could, in order to replicate the "natural" feeling of writing other letters. I paid close attention to how easy they were to write, as well as any setbacks like awkwardly drawn angles or too detailed forms. This led me to decide on a form representing the "Ma" sound, as it both represented my desired sound in a logical way and was simple to quickly write.

Hand-drawn sketches of ideation and visualization of my chosen sound

Collage of iterations and sketches made from existing letter forms